Archiwa tagu: coupons

OpenAI Tagger for AppThemes

Plugin is looking for coupons/ads without tags, and generate them using an AI (artificial intelligence). Generate them based on title, description, and taxonomy names.

If you are using one of the plugins that automatically import coupons from affiliate networks to your website, you probably noticed that most of them do not add thing like “coupon tags”, this is because most of affiliate APIs do not provide such data.

If you are having quite popular classifieds website, where usual people post items, you probably noticed that most of them do not add thing like “listing tags”, this is because most of them do not understand the concept behind it.

So here it comes, a OpenAI Tagger plugin that will help you to tag hundreds/thousands coupons imported from affiliate networks, and ad listings created by your users!


  • Define number of coupons/ads to tag (during one routine)
  • Define number of tags to be added to each coupon/ad
  • Define max number of tokens used to prepare description by AI
  • Choose if tags also should be created from taxonomy names
  • Sends notifications about tagged coupons/ads
  • Tag coupons/ads on demand or schedule hourly, twice daily or daily updates
  • Test API connection from settings page
  • Test prompt for generating tags by AI from settings page


  • Plugin requires Clipper theme 1.4 (or newer), or ClassiPress theme 3.3 (or newer).
  • Plugin requires OpenAI account, API key, and some credit balance available.

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OpenAI Coupons Desc for AppThemes Clipper

Plugin is preparing a new unique descriptions for coupons using AI, based on coupon title, current description, tags, category and store name.

If you are using affiliate networks to populate your website with coupons, you probably noticed that most of the coupon descriptions isn’t engaging, nicely looking, and they are not unique.

So here it comes, a Open AI Coupons Desc plugin that will help you to describe hundreds/thousands coupons imported from affiliate networks!


  • Test various prompts for generating description by AI from settings page
  • Define number of coupons to describe (during one routine)
  • Define max number of tokens used to prepare description by AI
  • Define description prompt for the AI
  • Choose if description also should be created from tags, stores and categories names
  • Sends notifications about described coupons
  • Describe coupons on demand or schedule hourly, twice daily or daily updates
  • Test API connection from settings page


  • Plugin requires Clipper 1.4 or newer.
  • Plugin requires OpenAI account, API key, and some credit balance available.

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